Reynalyn Yamanouchi – Mutya ng Pilipinas 2012 Bet from Japan Up Close and Personal

I met Mutya ng Pilipinas Japan’s mom in one event last Sunday and had some short chitchat about her daughter.  She relates that Reynalyn’s father was the first one to see Reynalyn’s press presentation pictures online . Let’s know more about Mutya ng Pilipinas – Japan thru the report  of  Francis Calubaquib…

Japan Japan.. Mutya ng kagandahan!!

Mutya ng Pilipinas prides itself as the first national beauty pageants that officially accept candidates from Overseas Filipino Community, giving them the distinction of a truly global pageant for Filipinas. In fact one major crown is given to one lucky girl from a roster Half Pinay beauty candidate which is eventually proclaimed Mutya ng Pilipinas Overseas Community.


This year marks the very first-time that a half-Filipina/Japanese girl participated in the pageant. Reynalyn Flores Yamanouchi is a twenty-year old classical ballet instructor from Matsudo-shi, Chiba, Japan. She was born and raised in Japan but her parents inculcated in her a mix of Japanese and Filipino family tradition.


Just like anybody else who grew up in a foreign land with mix race, Reynalyn experienced different types of bullying and discrimination. But this does not stop her in focusing her goals in life that led her become a most sought after fashion model and beauty queen and finish her classical ballet studies in the land of the morning calm.


Now that another opportunities had come to prove her worth here at the Mutya ng Pilipinas Pageant, Reynalyn wants to correct the wrong impression of the Japanese about the Philippines and Filipinos and will tirelessly promote Philippine Tourism in Japan and to prove to them that indeed our country is a beautiful place to visit and the Filipinos are one of the nicest and friendliest people in the world.


You can help her to get the People’s Choice Award by going on   OPMB’s   website.

Watch Reynalyn and twenty-nine other equally beautiful Mutya Candidates vie for the most sought after Mutya ng Pilipinas crown on August 12, 2011 at UP Theater to be telecast on GMA 7 starting at 10:30 pm.


Many pageant enthusiasts said she looks like Amelia Vega – 2003 Miss Universe from Dominican Republic… You decide…

Amelia’s Clone

Pictures by: ASKI PASCUAL of Ask Aski Photography.